Ms Kim

Ladies, It’s That Time Of Year Again

Hey Ladies, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. I want to encourage every lady to get a

Come Out This Saturday!!!

Hey Ladies, Don’t forget 102.3 KJLH Radio Free will present the 1st annual “Men’s Empowerment Summit this Saturday September 23, 2017 from 9am to 1pm at Cal State  University, Dominguez Hills. The summit will address issues in our community with the emphasis on men! It will be a day of leadership, mentoring, screenings, inspiration and

Countdown To Men’s Empowerment Forum

Hey Ladies, it is almost time the Men’s Empowerment Summit. It’s next Saturday September 23, 2017 from 9am to 1pm at Cal State University, Dominguez Hills. We need to encourage all the men in our lives to come. It is time for our men to take control of their lives, starting with their health and


Freedom is the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint. That’s what we have as Christians. God has given us the freedom to be all we want to be. All we have to do is walk in it by faith. We have to be like the little