good or great

Good or Great?

• Renting an Apartment vs. Owning a Home

• Graduating High School vs. Graduating College

• Having a Job vs. Having a Career

• Dreaming the Dream vs. Living the Dream

Make no mistake. The former of these points is absolutely fine. There is nothing wrong with them. And that is my point. Some people are just fine with where they are, and that is alright. But if that is not you, then you can’t settle at good. For some people, good just isn’t enough. Good won’t work. Because fulfillment isn’t at good, big dreams aren’t at good, better jobs aren’t at good, and better lives aren’t at good. Greatness takes more; it takes unusual sacrifice, it takes unusual work ethic, it takes unusual commitment, and it takes unusual disregard for comfort. You’re not going to get to the highest plateau doing what you need to when it is easy, when the conditions are favorable, after you were able to sleep for ten hours. For the most part, it happens when it requires something of you that you are not sure you can give at that moment. The moment comes after you’ve been worn down by other tests. It comes at the time when you don’t expect it, when you are not ready for it, and you have to dedicate everything to achieve it. And if that scares you, you are not ready. Give it time, and that will come, but you are not ready at this moment. Because you can’t just say that you want it. When you really want it, deep inside; when it occupies your every thought, every second of your day, every time you drift off, you find yourself thinking that. When you put everything you have to this goal, because you don’t have any other desire, which is that strong as this one. You need it, because this is what makes your heart content. If you had this, you wouldn’t want for anything else. So good might be enough for you, but I want great.