Sunday May 13th is Mother’s Day. I want to wish all the Mothers a very special Mother’s Day. I pray that their children acknowledge and appreciate them. Here are five of many things a mother is:
1. A mother is your mother for life.
2. A mother is someone who nourishes you with life and love. When she is pregnant she eats well, exercises, and gets plenty of rest ensuring that her children have a fighting chance at coming into this world healthy. It doesn’t stop there, once her children are born there are the daily routines, feeding, changing diapers, guiding, cuddling, reading and singing, keeping them safe, and loving them unconditionally all at the same time.
3. A mother goes the extra mile, whether it is the first day at school or your graduation from college and or everything in between and after.
4. A mother encourages her children to get to know God for themselves, so they can stand on their own two feet in times of adversity.
5. A mother never stops caring and loving her children, just because they grow up, but she realizes she has to pass the torch so her children can care for their spouse and children.
In essence, if your mother is still living, love, cherish, celebrate and appreciate her while you have the opportunity to do so. I thank God, I gave my mother her flowers while she could smell them.
My mother is no longer with me and my mother-in-love I never met. However, I can say our mothers instilled the love in both my husband and myself, which we have passed on to our children.
Love Never Fails
Signed Ms.Kim